Kung Fu Hip-Hop,yeah!looking forward to watch this movie!

omg yeahXD finally,i bought already kung fu hip-hop movieXD
well,er,pirate version(sorry>.<)
i forgot when this movie was release but yeah if im not wrong,around before august?
i watch the trailer at youtube,and oh wow,im really impress!!
er,actually,i impress because,it is all the same with the
dancing game i play that is high street 5
the battle mode,dance,all looks the sameXD
so yeah,i kinnda feel like "teruja"
and want to watch the movie in cinema
but den i found out that,its too late,the movie already not show in cinema
i was a bit late found out about this movie
so yeah,i keep searching the dvd since i miss it to watch the movie at cinema
i didn't found it anywhere sell here
so,since i just bought it today,gonna watch it later,heheh
but ya know
i notice that
all the top 3 dancer in this movie,look very...familiar for me alright
at high street 5 kung fu version,there this three npc that we can battle call kung fu dance battle
i kindda notice some similar stuff from this three npc from some movie
then after i bought it,i look closer to this three people
and guess what?
its the same person,omg=="
the jordan,poppin and bing bing(if im not wrong thats their name)
so i guess the high street 5 crew got the idea of kungu dance from this movie(or something like that)
and yeah,when i go to the event,i look at the banner and i know i saw the girl at the centre one somewhere(hey,its easy to recognise alright since she wear somewhat kewl cloth)
see at previous 2-3post earlier,u can see the banner there
see same right?(obvious though==)
so yeah,let just hope this movie wont let me down alrightXD
the rating,i will write it later after finish watch the movie,hehehxD
alright,thats all folks,see ya!