hmm,before the exam start
we,that is,me,thina,peeravin,jagdish,natasha,feeka,
the unit perancang group smpt keluar makan
this idea was started from,tasha and jag i think
since both of them have a lot of Friday's restaurant coupon
serious wei,i say,A LOT of it
at first,i thought,only about 2 or 3 coupon that is about rm20-30
if im not wrong,we go around,saturday?infront of taman istana(dekat dengan mahkamah warna putih tepi laut tu,antara mahkamah tu dengan bangunan bank haji x slp)
ohh,the food looks delicious!(from the menu of courseXD)
but then,i notice that,at below of the menu said something like
"this food contain alcoholic/non-halal"
i read then i was like =="
lose my confortable there
well,of course,NOT all food there written like that
just,yeah i feel confortable when they kindda put it in one menu,sigh=="
i dunno what to decide to eat there,somewhat was-was=="
den,tasha bagi idea "order ice cream la"
oh,thats a good idea,so one by one,we start to order the ice cream(the result,semua makan ice cream,kah3XD yang lain mahal pn=)) )
eheheXD eating my ice cream,vanilla or somethingxD sedap wei!
is this ice cream taste...sour?
hahahaha,i dont need to tell what they were doing right?XD
eh but,time kitorang makan tu,there was something funny happend
the family beside or table,eat a l.o.t of food
but the kid(at the family),dont know how to feel greatfull he is!!
we can only eat ice cream(total 6 ice cream)
and the total price is around rm100=="
seriously,if there were no coupon worth that much,i wont go eat there
i call thina,and point at the kid
the kid plate was full with fries,all of us look and laugh,wahahaXD
maybe that was call when people dont know how to be greatfull for what they have(ahahaha,mcm x pna jeXD)
feeka and peravin,cough cough,i thought both of them got the award "paling serasi" award this year,but oh well,anything ler
and then,after finish eating there,we go to city square
jag drive his car to cs,but i realise that it was kinnda late already
around 4 or 5 something(that day at night i need to go to my cousin house)
so,i tell them,i need to go now,after say goodbye,i rush to bustop and balik ler,what else
hahaha,but yeah,it was fun,esp the FREE MAKAN stuff
jag and tasha belanja us,they have i think 12 coupon
each worth around rm10
so after pay all our icecream,still got balance 2 or something

from left,tasha,jag,peravin,and thina,at outside of the friday restaurant,where is me?the one taking the pictureXD
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