hmm,i was wondering
what should i update to my website
it does looks like i already "abandon" my website there
and yeah,i notice no one reading it=="
but hey,no im not ok
i just dont know what i should i update there
i wont abandon my website there
since it was kindda hard for me to do all that stuff in the begining,i just cant leave it like that(yeah i know it looks messy and ugly,i am a beginner in this stuff alright)
but my internet down,i cant update much there(when i have the idea what to write it seem i cant go online and the idea just go away just like that,sighh==" maybe i should write it somewhere like a script so i can remember what to write)
before the spm examination,i already set my mind,i want to try out anything related to
designing,blogging,website,and other related stuff
but..seem kindda hard for me to do all that at my home,sigh==
nyway wish me luck so that i can do something there
anyway,do please visit my website there
dont forget to sign up at my guestbook thereXD
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