
Archive for 2008

dont laugh,i warn you!>_>

uhh keberatan btl ako nak tulis psl topic ni=_=
er,tp ape2 je la
so..yeah,here goes nothing
ramai demand nak tgk gamba ako time da botak=_=
so yeah,ako bg la tgk,da x kesa sgt
tp serius jangan gelak orait==
ako sorang je boleh gelak time tgk "rambut baru"
so yep,ni dia post yang ku ckp ku tunjuk nt
mmg lain nampak sblm dan selepas=="
korang tgk la sendiri perbezaan nya=_=

okey,ni gamba beberapa hari before potong botak>_>

last outing kuar dengan membe sblm kena botak=_=

so yeah,i dress up a bit over=="

dan ni lak gamba pas ku da botak=_=
oit,dah jangan gelak wehh>.>
ape korang gelak==
mentang2 ako x nampak korang,ishk,xpe2
jaga korang nt=="
ni ako potong btl2 7 hari sblm plkn da potong da(hari ahad)
gamba yang second pn ako edit cikai je,malas edit=_=
so yeah,mmg nampak beza dan muke ako cam budak shaolin(except tak botak licin=_=)
ni lak dengan adik ako yang biasa gelak tgk muka ako skrg sebab nampak tembab=_=
biasa tgn dia buat gitu la kat rambut ako skrg
kira cam balas la,sebab ako bese kacau rambut dia sebab dia pendek=))

dan ni lagi skali gamba ku botak lagi>.>

venue semua gamba ni kat rmh nenek ako,kah3

ako senyum je sebab pelik sampai sana semua nak amik gamba=_=

kazen ako(ayim),adik ako,abg ako,nenek ako,swt==


tp time potong rambut ni

perghh,ako x boleh bayangkan cemana ako rasa camtu

act mula2 ayah ako nak bawak gunting rambut bese je,bukan botak

tp,ako ckp kalau camtu baik potong terus,bazir je nt x sampai 1mgu(ako x tau la nape ako ckp sendiri,dengan rela time tu mintak potong "G.I 2"(cara potongan rambut,at least G.I 2 x la pendek mana)

mamak tu pn buat la

time dia gunting rambut tu amik mesin dia pastu zapp camtu je

ako rasa pergh,patah hati ako,x sampai hati tgk>_>

lol,yeye rambut ako x de la mahal mane

cuma ako tau muke ako akan nampak lebih aneh+pelik+ape2 je la korang nak ckp>_>

tp at least mamak tu potong xde sopak mana2(means,x de cam tersala potong sampai nampak kulit kepala btl)

but still,botak,omg==


pasni ako x takkan post lagi benda ala ni>_>

so yeah,harap anda semua berpuas hati tgk>.>


dah,benti gelak weh=_=

cukup2 la tu,haish

baling gak jap lg==

so ape2 pn,lets just skip about the bald thing

malas nak citer lagi pasal tu=_=

ako terus citer psl ako buat account agro bank lak

time buat tu x slp,baru 1-2hari kot pas botak

so yeah,cam gamba atas ni,ni no ako,1085,dan time tu baru 1029

ako datang dari 12.31,siap 5.45,nak dkt 6jam,haish

nasib surau jalan 5min dekat je

kat sana ako igt sorang je,kalau sorang pergh bosan la ako

tp ako jumpe golan,panjang dengan din,nasib baik la

tp dorang balik 1 jam awal dari ako,chis=_=

tp lepas siap tu best la


ni bawah ni pas siap buat



tp ako pelik tahap gaban sana

ako pg sana tgk x de sape2 yang da botak or pakai cap=_=

ako sorang je pakai cap sebab da botak dlu

tgk dorang simpan lagi rambut panjang2+style,ako ckp dlm hati

"ni nak potong free kat kem ape,nt botak gak"

free mmg free,tp sana mmg ramai,so yeah,orang potong tu pn main zap zap zap je potong

ade la sopak nt


er,no ako da x de idea lagi nak tulis ape==

so yeah,sampai sni je dlu okeh

T.A.G december

1. Who are you?

-who are you?kah3xD

2. Who is more important to you? Friends or boy/girlfriend?

- utamakan keluarga=)) kah3,yeah friends and girlfriend setaraf cuz both of them are important to me,wahahaha,kalau da bertunang or da jadik isteri tu lain cerita

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?

- how often did u?kekeke nope,never

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?

- er,no,soon cuz im rushing(er x phm abaikan)

5. How many babies you want?

- no dont ask me now=_= ask me again after i already marry,kah3

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?

- lol of course=_=

7. What is your goal for this year?

- this year?er,no lazy to write now,nt ku tulis ar cam ten tulis kat blog dia,senang,kah3

8. Do you believe in eternity love?

- yes,of course,it does exist=D sayang terhadap keluarga,ibubapa,suami/isteri,etc,eternity right?wahaha,btl ahXD

9. What's a perfect boy/girlfriend like to you? (List 10)

-not gedik or ngada-ngada=_=(ni mesti!gedik and feminine both are diffierent alright)
-not wearing tight cloth
-have a good faith in islam
-understand me
-can cooperate(boleh jadik partner kat banyak aktiviti)
-easy to talk to(dunno,ku da x de idea nak tulis ape=)) ako rasa sampai no 8 je,9 dengan 10 not sure,kah3)

10. What feeling do you love most?

- when i feel happy of courseXD

11. What are the requirements you wish from the other half?

- other what?what half?

12. Is there anything you wanna tell the people you hate ?

- no i cant think anyone i hate=_= so i guess nothing i want to tell?

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

- yes of course

14. What does flying means to you?

- im flying without wings,kah3,btw ride an aeroplane,swt

15. What do you crave for the most currently?

- swave board,rollerskate,DSi,keyboard,wahaha,adoi banyak benda ako nak=))

16. Who's hotter?Chace Crawford or Kevin Peake?

- er,no im not gay,so neither,kah3

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.-

-budak.tu.tinggi.macam.zirafah=)) (no offence wehxD)

18. What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?

- er clap hands?kah3,no okey serious=_= hahaha,dunno,talk to friends?

19. If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be?

- i know what i want to do

20. What are your fear(s)?

- god
-my spm result=_=
-cant feel/sense my own self
-future(banyak benda ah termasuk isu dunia,it effect u too alright)
-er,no i think thats the main thing,lagi lain2 x de

30.Instructions: Tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post. Whoever does the tag will

-kevin(hey repost this on your blog if ya have time kevinXD)
- puteri
-and yes you!wahahaha

Swave Boarding

"Swave Boarding"
pernah korang dengar pasal swave boarding ni?

or dikenali sebagai wave boarding
kalau x pernah x pe2
act ako nampak board ni time ako buat account agro bank td utk plkn
mmg bosan sgt time tu,number dia baru 1048 something
dan number ako 1085,jauh gila=_=
so ako ikut dak2 skola ako panjang dengan din pg danga city mall sana
dorang kira antara orang first yang nampak rambut ako da botak,kah3
gile terkejut dorangXD
ako pn terkejut gak,sebab tgk x de sape2 yang da botak lagi==
so kitorang gerah ah danga city mall
act sana baju2 dorang jual mmg lawa,tp sayang x ramai pegi=="
so kitorang pusing2 ah,den masuk2 kedai collection+kedai baju
kat sna kitorang dpt rasa ah aura taukey dorang yang rasa frust tak ramai buyers or tak ramai pelanggan datang kedai dorang
kitorang x bole buat ape2 ah,saje je killing some time kat sana pn
so time pusing2 tu
ako ada ternampak
cam skate ke ape tah kat cam ruang legar dia
nak kata skateboard bentuk serius bukan skate
dan design dia mmg amat tarik perhatian ako*_*
ni antara ako jumpe gamba dia kat int

ako tny ah orang kedai tu ni ape?
dia ckp "swave board"
perghh,best ako ckp kalau ada=_=
mula2 kitorang igt ni terapung
kitorang siap ckp lagi
"pergh,ni terapung guna angin ape"
kah3,tp nope,kitorang salahXD
orang kedai tu tunjuk ah depan belakang skate ni
ade 1 tayar dpn,dengan 1 tayar belakang
beza dengan skateboard bese yang ada 2 tayar dpn dengan 2 tayar belakang
so,swave board ni lebih unbalance dari skateboard
tp sebab boleh try,ako pn try ah swave board ni sebab ako tertarik dengan design dia,kekeke
cara kawal dia pn cam lebe kurang dgn skateboard bese
cuma korang bole kawal belok kiri kanan dengan guna kaki belakang je dan gerak x yah push pakai kaki cam skateboard,korang kawal letak atas skate tu je pastu dia gerak je sebab korang bole control pakai kaki belakang atas skate tu
unic beb,best kalau dpt=_=
ako mmg nak involve pn dlm benda2 ni
firstly igt nak beli rollerskate(or rollerblade)
so yeah,i dun mind getting any of these two
tgk ah dlu cemanaXD
tp harga swave skate ni...perghh
amat mahal,tp,baloi,sebab creative
cuma kelemahan dia x boleh gerak selaju skateboard ah
speed dia moderate je
lain2 stunt olie,willie,semua swave board ni boleh buat
cuma pas ako tgk comment2 kat youtube orang ckp
swave board ni lebeh ssh
so yeah,dunno ahXD
but anyway,ako give 5/5 star utk skate ni
creative weh,design corak dia pn lawa+modernXD
(out of topic,td pas pegi danga city mall dari 2.30 tu ako pg balik bank agro bank tu balik dlm 3.30 tgk baru number 1060gitu=_= gila slow weh,so ako tunggu ah,sampai kol 5.40 baru turn ako=_= pergh,nak dkt 6 jam,tunggu dari kol 12tgh hari,sempat balik x-tra giant taman suria makan lunch kat merry borwn pastu pegi balik,siot=_= lucky da abes dah penungguan tu== tp pas dpt kad bank tu,ako cam jakun kat mesin diaXD takut nak tulis pin nombor takut kena telan,kekeke,pas da tulis btl pegi tuka pin yang ako nak,kekeke,somewhat best da ada kad tu)


ako rasa semua orang tau ape logo ape ni kan-_-
so ku x payah nak terangkan lagi(takkan terangkan nya)
so yeah,ku rasa semua orang da boleh agak ape maksudnya right?
ya ya,im one of the candidate for plkn-_-
so that means
all candidate plkn need to be botak
so yeah,here i go,arini,termasuk tercatat dalam sejarah hidup ako
ako da botak kan rambut ako 1mgu sblm plkn=_=
kebetulan sama tarikh dengan mawi kawen(im not fan of him alright,coincidence)
great,really now i am look very similar to those kungfu shaolin kids,no kidding=_=
looks funny,my sister keep laughing looking my current face,keep saying my face tembam>_>
oh well,small kid
i dont mind for my sister
tp skrg dia tak gelak ah,da bese kot,kah3
but many of my friends demanding to see my face time botak=_=
its secret dude,its secret
i will give them some chance to see my face alright
but dont laugh,seriously=_="
so depend on their luck i guess
i wont tell here how im gonna show,kekeke
some know already so whatever
depend on their luck,ekekeke

anyway,today is 21december 2008
left only about 6days left,but technically,now already 12midnight,so i count it as 5more days to go
i dont mind about the training,daily life there alright
dah pernah alami pn latihan2 gitu,so no problemo
well,the thing that im concern is..well,no,bunyi nya akan jadik cam,yeah aneh or maybe sound stupid
but,yeah,the only thing im concern is about my hair and about beeing much more darker=_=
alright,stop laughing will ya-_-
i know this sound nonesense,but yeah thats my very own reason
okey la,this year around february i stop active my pkbm darat tu focus on my study and targeting to get my skin back to its normal colour
no dont make a conclusion first,read what i want to say first=____="
ya know,after botak,u can see your skin head right?(now now,not the skin head hair style,u know what i meant)
u can saw the diff contras colour at my face and head,swtt,weird=_="
oh well=="
i still got the lotion that fatin kikilala gave me for besday present(yang bermakna nak perli ako awal2 lagi==)
i will bring that too=="
i dunno what lotion isit,maybe something like sunblock
oh well=_=

but,other than that
im looking forward for their other activity there
except the kawad thing==
i need to think positive,cuz if im keep thinking negatively about this plkn stuff,those thing will really come true,hey its true
its like,u wish that alright
its true based on what i know la,islamic and scientificially
so..think positve kim!
positive positive!!

there all the active are very "lasak" one
so yeah,fun!
teamwork alright,i dunno what team i will enter,either bravo,alpha,or other one
and i wont be hypnotise about after plkn ended,i dont feel like want to go back home
yes i understand the friendship u make there
but no,i think i will be normal
so yeah,lets just wait and see ok?XD

ahh,think postive=="
dont think negative kim,stop==
postive postive

Kung Fu Hip-Hop,yeah!looking forward to watch this movie!

omg yeahXD finally,i bought already kung fu hip-hop movieXD
well,er,pirate version(sorry>.<)
i forgot when this movie was release but yeah if im not wrong,around before august?
i watch the trailer at youtube,and oh wow,im really impress!!
er,actually,i impress because,it is all the same with the
dancing game i play that is high street 5
the battle mode,dance,all looks the sameXD
so yeah,i kinnda feel like "teruja"
and want to watch the movie in cinema
but den i found out that,its too late,the movie already not show in cinema
i was a bit late found out about this movie
so yeah,i keep searching the dvd since i miss it to watch the movie at cinema
i didn't found it anywhere sell here
so,since i just bought it today,gonna watch it later,heheh
but ya know
i notice that
all the top 3 dancer in this movie,look very...familiar for me alright
at high street 5 kung fu version,there this three npc that we can battle call kung fu dance battle
i kindda notice some similar stuff from this three npc from some movie
then after i bought it,i look closer to this three people
and guess what?
its the same person,omg=="
the jordan,poppin and bing bing(if im not wrong thats their name)
so i guess the high street 5 crew got the idea of kungu dance from this movie(or something like that)
and yeah,when i go to the event,i look at the banner and i know i saw the girl at the centre one somewhere(hey,its easy to recognise alright since she wear somewhat kewl cloth)
see at previous 2-3post earlier,u can see the banner there
see same right?(obvious though==)
so yeah,let just hope this movie wont let me down alrightXD
the rating,i will write it later after finish watch the movie,hehehxD
alright,thats all folks,see ya!

here in my home

hey,korang tau lagu "here in my home" kan?

kalau x tau its okey,no worries

lagu ni pasal rakyat malaysia la

mmg best la lagu nixD

tadi ako tgh search vid lagu ni,dan ternampak vid lagu here in my home perform by students

so ako decide nak tgk cemana dorang buat

dan pas abes tgk,wohh,kagum weh ako tgk,such a teamwork

hey,we are lucky living in a country with multi race alright

so anyway,ape2 pn,tgk la dlu lagu ni okey,really impressive

banyak ah ako tgk vid dorang buat,tp ni la plg kagum ako tgk,bukan miming,tp choir btl

even kat bahasa melayu,mandarin,dengan tamil,fuahhXD

uh just wait the vid buffering,it will be not too long before it finish buffering

lyric ku da sedia kan kat bawah,hahahahaXD

so yeah,enjoy watch the video and singing!*tutup telinga pakai headphone*

hold on, brother hold on

the road is long, we're on stony ground

but i'm strong, and you ain't heavy

oh there's a misspoken truth that lies colors don't bind, oh no

what do they know? they speak falsely

here in my home

i'll tell you what it's all about

there's just one hope here in my heart

one love undivided

that's what it's all about

please won't you fall in one by one by one with me?

(fall in~ fall in~)fall in with me(hmm... fall in~)fall in fall in fall in with me

push back sister won't you push back?

love won't wait, just keep pushing on

yeah i'm strong, you ain't heavy

oh don't you worry about that...what we have shadows can't deny

don't you know it's now or never?

here in my home

i'll tell you what it's all about

there's just one hope, here in my heart

one love undivided

that's what it's all about

please won't you fall in one by one?


bertubi asakan berkurun lamanya

hati ke depan mencari yang sayang

[years of fears and years of tribulation

the heart keeps searching for that endless devotion]


"pshou qian shou da jia yi qi zou,

wo men dai biao guo ren kai kou wei lai jiu mei you diu zou

[meaning: hand in hand we'll march like blood brothers

i speak for my people, hope we'll find peace forever]


inthe payanam payanamm yen vettri thaagam

anthee kaana kaalam naam vetri raagam... nanba nanba

[meaning: may the road ahead quench my thirst for success

may the road behind echo a song of the blessed]


yes i feel it in my bones,

so i will let it be known

no matter where i roam this is home sweet home


here in my home

i'll tell you what it's all about

there's just one hope here in my heart

one love undividedthat's what it's all about

please won't you fall in one by one by one with me?(yeah~ yeah~)

here in my home(here in my home)

i'll tell you what it's all about(i'll tell you...)

there's just one hope here in my heart(one hope! one hope yo! )

one love undivided(aa~ one~)

that's what it's all about(that's what it's all about~)

please won't you fall in one by one by one with me?

here in my home(here in my home~)

i'll tell you what it's all about

there's just one hope here in my heart(one love one love one love ^^)

one love undivided

that's what it's all about

please won't you fall in one by one by one with me?

Transporter 3

ako da tgk dah movie ni time event hs5 17december tu
somewhat best bagi ako citer ni,agak jarang ako minat citer omputih yang unknown bagi ako
tp kawan ako ckp "just a typical action movie"
ako cam "meh?",tah la,maybe ar kotXD
ako suke part kejar mengejar dia je,best2
camera angle citer ni pn unik,kekeke
mejoriti ako tgk citer omputih bese da tau da "hero dia x kan mati"
yeah,bese right camtu?kekeke
tp citer ni thrill tgk,wahahaha
tp citer ni under rate 18GS?(tah,violence ape tah)
tp x ar violence mana citer ni=))
cam kawan ako ckp,typical action movie,kekeke
lepas lak tu kat entrance diaXD (da pakat dengan semua da,ikut je=)) )
hero dia pn mula2 ignore kerenah ppuan tu,which is ako salute mula2
but then,around middle story tu,sebab nak amik balik kunci kereta tu,dia termakan gak ckp ppuan tu,zzz,act hero dia bole amik je kunci tu,tp swt,yeah ape tu dorang panggil,cheap ad?(dunno,x igt sgt ayat dia,taktik murahan tarikan)
cant they just remove that cheap trick?
oh well,nasib sikit gila benda tu

btw,time ku tulis blog ni,piee datang rmh ako td pkl 6
oh thanks goodness ko dtg td piee,hilang bosan sket bosan ako td=="
seriously,ako rasa kering sgt td==" dehydration eh
ditambah dengan kebosanan lagi,fiuh
dan timing ko dtg agak baik,ako sempat tny 1 benda kat dia td memandangkan terlintas kat pkran td
dan dia ckp biar stay je camni,ok ape ko kalau ko stay camni, x social sgt,ikut rentak sendiri,kekeke
swt,tahun ni je da 2orang or,kurang dari 5orang ckp ako gitu==
but hey,im learning alright>_>
herm,sblm ako pg plkn,last hangout dengan membe ako rasa pg rmh afif dengan haris nt
pastu ako pg kl sampai plkn(harap2 ar smpt carik buku sana==")

high street5 event

17December 2008


arini kat jusco tebrau highstreet5 ada buat event amik2 gamba?(kindda sound lame-_-)

but den again,looks funXD

so ku buat keputusan,me,arif dengan faisal pg sana naik bas around 12noon

sampai sna,kitorang pg kedai harris dlu carik buku(kitorang tiga2 kena plkn,so carik buku nak baca sana,but in the end,x beli ape2,arif ada jumpe buku best,tp dia da baca kot,faisal x jumpe buku dia,ako lak no idea buku ape nak beli)

terus naik atas pg red box tingkat atas skali

sampai pg counter dia psl event ni

tp sorang tu ckp "nak cari kerja?"

ako da cam =___= (jauh nye dari ayat ako ckp td)

pastu kitorang tny2 lagi laa

tp in the end,x de info ape2 kitorang dpt psl event tu=.=

in the end,ako amik je gamba banner ni dlu,kekeke

tp tgk mmg kosong,mana orang2 nya sini,tgk worker redbox je

den ako carik nama character silent sebab kawan ako has ckp kena ikut character silent

ako amik dlu gamba screen ni,sebab igt mula2 terus sampai jusco ni nak terus posing kat banner ni

tp tgk x de orang pn=="

tak kan nak amik terus je,da la tmpt dia agak open,orang lain ramai kat luar tgk sure pelik tahap gaban nt=="

so,ako decide amik gamba screen tu in case ape2 ako bole posing kat mana2 nt(time ni x tau rule dia kena posing kat dpn banner tu je)

so kitorang teruskan perjalan ke tmpt wayang(sama tingkat)

tgk,citer ape yang ada masa dekat2 pkl 2+ x slp

tgk ada citer transporter 3,pg beli tiket tu memandangkan citer tu not bad

kitorang beli seat J?xslp la

tp tmpt dia x sama cam kat cs,kat jusco lagi bagus amik dpn2=_=

oh well,ape2 je la

kekeke,psl ni baca lagi la post lagi 1,malas nak citerXD

den kitorang gerak pg makan kat kfc,wahahah

pas abes makan,kitorang gerak pg surau dlu,den abes solat naik atas pg red box ni balik

tgk sama je..............kosonggggggggg=____="

keadaan dia sama camni== ni ako amik sblm pg wayang tu gak

keadaan dia sama,no one there except people pg karaoke je

so,kitorang terus pg wayang memandangkan da time citer tu,da 2.45,yeah citer tu 2.45

pas abes tgk citer tu around 4+

ako ckp kat arif,pg je la amik gamba sana,sampai sini bazirrr je x amik gamba

redah je ramai orang pn nasib laXD

wahahahaha(kamikaze wehxD)

so pg sana balik sblm balik,ako tgk screen dia,semua ada partner,ako cam,oh my god=="

sebab ako sorang je posing mula2,so,herm,ako tarik faisal amik gamba skaliXD

yeah,gamba atas ni ako ikut screen tu(kalau korang nampak kat gamba banner yang bahagian kiri no 2 dari atas yang ada kepak putih)

actually ni screen gamba silent dengan dak2 guild dia x slp

tp ako ikut char silent,dan faisal char ppuan=))

tp sebab group kitorang laki je,so layan je laXD


hm hm,ni second try amik gamba

x jadik

ni lak third try,ok ar kot,ako tgk ok je laaXD

harap2 gm accept laXD

hahaha tp sana x ramai,arif ckp,sng ah ko nt dpt LCD,kalau dpt bagi ako

faisal"ako pn nak gak"


so pas abes amik gamba,kitorang gerak nak balik

sambil tu singgah ke tmpt roti

"bread talk" eh kdai dia

roti dia cam roti season,best

time tu ramai gak orang kat sanaXD

ni ako beli sikit untuk abg ako,adik ako,nenek ako,dengan cousin2 kat rmh nenek ako

uh,nak beli sorang satu,mmg abes la ako>_<

so yeah,beli 4 je dlu^^;

hahohoho,ni time beratur beli makanan tu

faisal kiri dengan arif,kekeke

snap senyap2,dorang nampak cam nak gadoXD

tgh bebual tu,lol


ni time beratur lagi,ramai right?XD

hahaha,tgh hype time niXD

act ako tarik arif lak amik gamba

tp dorang x suka amik gamba=_=

memory la wehh==

swt,ape2 je la,so in the end,tu la gamba akoXD


pas tu kitorang gerak balik amik teksi

tambang dia rm15=="

xpe2,ktorang share 3 orang

rmh dkt2,so xkesa

kekeke ni time bosan kat teksi tu,amik resit breadtalk tu,wahahah

dalam teksi lagi,time ni ako nak amik gamba arif degan faisal

tp x menjadi=_=

ada satu dpt tp arif delete da

nasib la camera hp dia,kalau x kekeke,lagi banyak ako amikXD

hahaha,ni lak flyers hs5 tu kat sana

jari kiri tu jari arif

jari kanan tu jari faisal

jari atas tu jari ako,ako buat peace tp x nampak,ape la arif=="


hoho,ni otw balik rmh

act ni ikut jalan jauh sebab arif nak beli cendol(ako x makan=_=)

pas beli tu kitorang gerak balik rmh,ako singgah rmh arif jap,kekekeXD


triple dot i can say
i dont have any idea or topic to talk about in this blog
suddenly,idea pop up keluar pasal hang out dengan kawan ku
(kekeke,guna bahasa melayu laXD)
so yep,ape2 je la
ku nak tulis pasal latest 3 hari ku keluuar dgn kawan2 ku
okayyy,here it goes~

(gamba ni sekadar utk muat kan ruangan,ku x tgk pn citer ni==" eeee)

13december 2008,jumaat

ku keluar dengan:
  • arif
  • ten
  • pja
  • yan
kitorang gerak ke persada sebab ada......
pameran seni something?
time ako dengan arif sampai,dorang baru stat,tgk vip baru sampai,penari2 zapin mula dance
den kitorang pg kat tmpt keris sementara tunggu dorang sampai
tgk2 keris tup tup da sampai da
ikut dorang amik gamba kat kedai2 sana,baju2,kraftangan,pembuatan batik,etc
tp ada orang jaga buat batik tu bebual2 dengan ako
tny,keje kat mana,lolXD
gak nya,sebab ako ckp ada assignment time tu,hahahahaXD
abes amik2 gamba sana,kitorang gerak kat cs
ako nak cari sambungan .hack tp x de so pg roibo
kat sana,ako kat kaunter ako cam,order ape?
ako mmg x geti order air sana=))
last2,ckp kat aunty sana,"ni same lagi 1"
pastu dia ckp mint ape2 tah ako x igt ako ye kan je
hahahaha,kat sana gak,kitorang jumpe imwan dengan redzuan
ako ternampak imwan je ako terus gelak,lol
lagi pn ako x jangka si ten,pja dengan yan akan jumpe dak tu face to face,kekeke
tp ade serba sala gak sebab maybe redzuan tu terasa gak,ako gelakkan imwan je=="
den kitorang gerak arcade
main drum tu,fiuh,best "sgt"
last song ako try amik special mode,walauneh,cram tgn,banyak key dia=="
tu je la spoil,sblm2 tu best,kekekke
pastu ako dengan arif main game ape tah,game 3 button
best game tu,ako nak main lagi nt
sementara ten,yan,pja main game pelik sebela kitorang,ako panggil game katak sebab controller dia pakai mata dia=="
senak tgk dorang main game tu
pastu kitorang solat den ako dengan arif balik(tumpang arifXD)

14december 2008,sabtu

arini,ako pg kuar dengan dak2 area rmh ako
well,actually tu la plan awal
tp x jadik,so yang pegi

  • me
  • wan(something2 gitu nama dia)
  • abg ku
  • ayim(my kazen)
  • eza
  • aishah
  • nazihah

okayy,time pg kitorang pg naik bas,dan turun kat dpn tesco
jauh jalan nak masuk jusco tebrau city=="
time tu ako,abg ako dengan ayim yang pg saing
kitorang sampai terus pg kedai harris
cam biasa,ako masuk2 terus carik tmpt teenage novel
carik novel .hack ako kat sana
tp sigh,x de=="
so in the end,kat sana ako beli buku ape tah,sama syarikat gak,not bad gak buku dia
abes beli,kitorang naik atas,jumpe kawan ako yg lain kat kedai icecream(ape tu nama dia,ade kat cs gak kat tingkat first floor)
sementara abg ako dengan kazen ako pg wayang dorang nak tgk citer "the day earth stood still"
sementara ako lak ikut dgn kawan ako yang lain
kitorang gerak ke sushi king,makan(time ako kenyang lagi==")
order la ape2,ako mula2 order ice cream dia je(yang cam tembikai tuXD)
dorang order la ape tah,cam steak ikan tu
da dpt mula2 ako x tergerak nak mintak,tp lama gakdorang mkn=="
last2 ako rasa2 sikit,kekekeke
pastu ade tambah lagi 5-6 pinggan semuanya
mane x nye ako cam eit,banyak nye korang mkn=="
last2,nasib laa,ako join order gak,wahahhaa
best ar,ddk sana mkn 1jam+
pastu ada sorang lagi baru sampai
ni ako mmg x kenal
tp,ako panggil dia
  • crush nazihah

dari tiket 2.45 terus x jadk sebab mkn lama sagtXD
nasib la x beli tiket dlu,kekeke
den,kitorang gerak pg surau dia
ako rasa time tu 3.10 something
pas solat semua abes dlm 3.3o,dorang pg wayang nak order tiket
citer "the day earth stood still" gak
tgk2,ada first row je(dpn skali yang tinggal)
ako pgl dak2 lain,tny dorang nak tgk gak camni?
pas bincang2,agree,sebab dorang kata seat dia condong ke bawah,so kurang sakit tengkuk
so kitorang beli
5tiket x slp
ako x tgk time tu,kalau ako tgk semua 6 tiket,sebab ako nak kena balik pkl 4ptg
sebab parent ako nak pg kl jap lg
so sblm farewell kat semua
ako bisik kat eza
ako ckp

"nt korang bg nazihah ddk sebelah dak baru dtg tu"
"nt citer ape jadik sana"

agak kijam kitorangXD
tp x de la mane,tgk nazihah mmg ada crush kat dak tu pn
saje je,wahahaha
(ishh,marah dia baca ni ntXD tp ku x sbt ar nama dak tu,kebetulan lupe,ahohoho)
den pas abes tu,ako ckp nak balik
ako turn bawah jumpe kazen ako dgn abg ako kat kedai roti,beli jap,den kitorang balik
hahahaha,best time tu,tp sigh== ako x dpt tgk citer pape sane
oh well,ape2 je la

sigh,my holidayT_T

soon,my holiday will end=="
today already 17dec,and 27 dec i will go to national service=="
damn!!i cant really do what i want in this holiday=="
but nah,i think this is not the worst case senario i have been to
i already plan how much i want to go out this holiday
but,actually,i kindda forgot how much i want to go out this holiday
but since my financial still ok,so i guess i dont have anything to worry about
my allowence already been cut off this holiday(yeah,same as everyone)
i already save up my money 2-3months earlier for this holiday,hahahaXD
so yeah,its not surprising this holiday i can go out many time with my friends
but there's something i want to do before going to national service
i really do hope i can go out again with my friend
one thing i havent done yet,i want to take their picture
yeah,i realize that i dont have any picture memories of them(maybe there is about 2-3pict only)
this is because,i have a feeling that,after national service
spm result came out(maybe the longest 1 week after ns,but i dont think that long)
and then,everyone probably buzy with all their application,interview,enter exam?(something like that),blablabla,etc
and some of us will go to matric,some will go straight to university,some will go to oversea(outside country),and etc
i think at that time,it will be hard to hang out again just like these day
so yeah,before anything happend
i want to take picture of them,so i can remember them for a long time
hey,i appriciate them alright
all of them
losing my best friend is just hard for me ok
but yeah,when there is gathering,there will be seperation
so yeah,thats how life goes on
and oh anyway
i think you reader wondering who am i talking about right?
imma gonna list of them who am i talking about(bukan ikut susunan)

7)helmi soul

there ya go
eh but wait,that doesnt mean i dont care about my other friends
i do care okXD
just this post special a bit coze imma talking about my bestfriend
okk i think thats all i want to talk about
one last thing
for all my friends

do keep in touch ya!X)

Any Idea?

(this is my website im talking about)

hmm,i was wondering
what should i update to my website
it does looks like i already "abandon" my website there
and yeah,i notice no one reading it=="
but hey,no im not ok
i just dont know what i should i update there
i wont abandon my website there
since it was kindda hard for me to do all that stuff in the begining,i just cant leave it like that(yeah i know it looks messy and ugly,i am a beginner in this stuff alright)
but my internet down,i cant update much there(when i have the idea what to write it seem i cant go online and the idea just go away just like that,sighh==" maybe i should write it somewhere like a script so i can remember what to write)
before the spm examination,i already set my mind,i want to try out anything related to
designing,blogging,website,and other related stuff
but..seem kindda hard for me to do all that at my home,sigh==
nyway wish me luck so that i can do something there
anyway,do please visit my website there

dont forget to sign up at my guestbook thereXD

T.A.G [4]

1. Tangkap @ sertakan 3 keping gambar anda yang anda rasakan paling seksi.2. Tak semestinya tak berpakaian atau mendedahkan. Mungkin anda rasa senyuman anda masa itu adalah seksi. Sertakan!!!3. Nyatakan kenapa gambar itu begitu seksi di mata anda?4. Tag 5 rakan-rakan anda yang seksi.5. Selamat berseksi.




sampai berpeluh/e5,kah3xD


kekeke,sebab face painting kuXD

, saya nak tag:

1) ten(lagi ko x yah buat sebab ako amik dari koxD)
5)arif safwan(wei,update la balik blog ko tuuxD)
6)yes kamu!

(ahh== nak ikutkan ako mmg x nak buat ni,tp atas permintaan ten,ako buat je la,no violence is use to make me do this tag,hahahaha)

orang cicak 2 XD (cicak man 2)

ni,cicak man 2,ku da tgk,tayangan first smlm(11dec 08)
mula2 agak pelik,sebab igt bukan 20dec ke kuar,ayah ku dengan abg ako order tiket senyap2xD
im not a big fan citer ni
tp cicak man 2 not bad
the action,graphic,story line are okay for me and some scene are interesting
it is better than the first cicak man
the only "slack" thing in this movie is
got 2-3 scene full 100% CG,so it is very obvious that scene is fully CG made up
but anyway i think it is a great job
esp the apek and the rama at the motorcycle,mmg jadik weh dorang buat scene lawan tu
dan dorang ada masuk cam multi race dlm citer ni
best la,memandangkan malaysia ni banyak bangsa
so dpt tunjuk yang kitorang ni bersatu,hahahaxD
okk,i wont tell anything about this movie,nt spoil lak,wahaha
anyway i rate it 4/5!
go watch it guyz
Sokong buatan melaysia!!!!
(oh,btw sblm tgk citer tu ada benda agk kelaka+frust sblm dia stat
tiket tu beli utk 9.40mlm,so pas 8.30,1 family gerak kuar utk mkn malam
ke restoran dekat2 dengan x-tra giant
jumpe 1 restorang cam ok dan x ramai orang baru 1 meja ddk
pegi situ sebab nak cepat
den tunggu2,da 9 x dpt lagi,ayah ako da sound orang tu tgk baru nak buat
last2 bayar air je den pg plaza pelangi terus
pg sana terus pg McD beli makanan time tu da 9.10 gitu
so,makan agak cepat laxD
9.35,tinggal kentang2,semua x abes
bungkus naik atas
sampai entrance benti jap sblm orang tu sound x leh bawak
patah balik belakang jap den simpan dlm beg
pastu masuk lepas,wahaha,begitu ceritanya sblm cerita itu mulaxD)

T.A.G.[3] ?

tag from fatin kikilala

7 Fakta tentang Aku

1. seorang lelaki
2.mempunyai ketinggian 160cm dan berat 53kg
3.seorang yang chill tetapi emo(chill tp emo,anehxD)
4.seorang yang boleh dikatakan pemalu
5.bercita-cita utk menjadi designer,arkitek,dan sama dengannya
6.tak suka makan cendol sampai skrg(nampak cam..lain==")
7.dan sangat suka dengan singa!(pantang weh nampakxD)

7 perkara menakutkan aku di dunia

4.lipan(eit,bukan geli ar,takut sebab lipan berbisa dan dengar2 boleh bawk mati?kecik wor,ssh pasan)
5.abnormal thing(cam natural disaster laa,korang phm maksud ako==")
6.botak?=)) kah3 adoi
7.penyakit yang merbahaya yang boleh bawak kematian=="

7 lagu buat masa sekarang

1.second hand serenade-goodbye
3.jacks mannequin-dark blue
4.humble brother-chocolate
5.humble brother-360
6.kru-dibius cinta
7.simple plan-im just a kid

7 perkara selalu disebut
3.ek ele
6.besar/gemok(bese ckp kat adik ako,kah3xD)
7.ape?(tah,x boleh pk ayat lain)

7 perkara yg amat bernilai

1. utamakan keluarga=))
2.kawan2 ku
5.nds ku
6.headphoneXD collection?

7 pertama kali dalam hidup saya

1. pertama kali dpt hp colour(wahaha)
2.pertama kali hang out dengan membe banyak camni time cuti
3.pertama kali internet ku rosak lama ni==
4.pertama kali laptop ku rosak lama ni==
5.pertama kali main rugby(2004)
6.pertama kali pergi menembakXD
7.pertama kali akan pergi ke plkn,sigh=="

7 orang bertuah sambung tag ini

1.ten(ko x yah sambung dah ten,kah3xD)
2.pja(buat wei,x de bende nak buatXD)
3.has(copy pastu paste pastu buat cam buletin,wahaha)
4.yan(penuhkan blog ko tu yan=)) )
5.raudah(kah3,tah baca ke tak ni,adoyaixD)
6.Leenoh(uhh,thanks sebab follow blog ku yang x seberapa walaupn x kenal>_<) 7.dan kamu yang sedang membaca yang ada blog,wahaha

popular bookfest!!xD

firstly,im really glad that they make this fest

this is because

when i go visit the fest,i found out that

they sell all the rare book there

i was like O_O oh myyyyyyyyy!!this is good!!!!!!

after take sometime there walking around

i found, .hack novel was sell there(pronounce dot hack)

i saw that,i grab it,read a few pages,and then i go direct to the counter payment


at first when i go out with all my friends,i never think to go there because,i dont know what to buy there(yes,i rarely read any novel)

but yes,after few days,i decide to go there after buy my parent present

and at that time i realize there sell .hack novel and manga

at first,i dunno which one i want to buy,since all the books are VERY RARE to find here

but den,i decide to buy the novel version(yes yes,this is because of influence by my friend,since they read novel such as twillight,new moon,and etc i dont know the title==")

yes,i finish read the vol2

but i realize that they did not sell the volume 1 and 4,i was very depress that time,sigh=="

but oh well,its better than nothing,at first i buy the vol.2(few day earlier),and then i buy the

vol 3

i already finish the vol 2,it is interesting to read this book

the plot,character,everything are perfect!

this novel are actually adaption from ps2 game, .hack

yes,it has 4 volume too

but the novel are from the other perspective character that is blackrose(u can say that she is the heroin in the story),and the main character is kite

the story was about,a normal player with in game character name "Blackrose"

enter an online game "The World" which is exceed a million of registered player

in order to find the answer why her brother suddenly collapse and coma and the reason is unknown when play the online game(its not because of the player exhausted or something)

she met kite(which is the main character in the actual game)and few other friends

little by little,they discover the reason and clue of what the reason of comatoes occur some player in The World

it was because of some virus(or something like that),that can infect players in the game

with kite special bracelete obtain from "Aura",the ultimate AI in The world(which is very alive,and have feelings like other people)

blackrose and her other friends begin journey in order to find the answer

hey,this is very interesting to read

i know it is from game,but still it wont stop me to read it

the story line are very mature,interesting and logic to think

i suggest that u all read this novel

i rate it 5/5!

because the story relate virtual life and real life

it effect in both world,so it is nice to read it

and oh,if anyone find other volume sell anywhere in malaysia
do please inform me

these book are in my wishlist

i really appriciate to those who find where it sell here