uhh okey..
i was realy confuse which topic i should write now,idea mencurah2 dtg weh
so,yeah finally i decide i will introduce about my friends that i know at kem seri perkasa alright
okey,i start from...
fadhly(picture will upload later)
okey,this fella,i know him since high school,classmate la=_=
he is very tall person,good in speech,and gentleman
and oh,not to forget,he is very "market"(popular) among girls at camp there,wahahaha
seriously,it give me a shock,lol
cuz at school he is just a normal person,so-so(ya la,boys school,wahahaha)
so yeah,anyway i wish ya good luck fadhly staying at the camp for 2month+,hahahaxD
location:johor bahru
ex-school:maktab sultan abu bakar(english college)

epul a.k.a air pool
i know him at character building class
he is different company from us,he is from alpha(tembokXD no offence,lol)
this is because alpha member is devided to 5 class,so depend on their luck they enter what class
different from other company,which is same dorm same class(eg P5 with S5)
okey lets skip that
when i meet him,i think his face is very familiar
i thought he is one of my friend in jb,or maybe i did saw him anywhere here
but im not sure,then again,i think nope
lol,nvm la,in any way we are still friends
he is,a funny guy,if im not wrong,his badi(buddy?something like,partner in CB) is ramjan
location:johor bahru,near jusco tebrau
ex-school:...i..dont knowXD
Wan(picture will upload later)
hoho,wan,sama dorm dengan ako
he is from school smka
sekolah menengah kebangsaan agama
so,kira orang alim2 la ni,cough coughXD
anyway,about wan
he has a normal height,and wear spectacle
i know him in bus,cuz we both are from johor bahru
he is very good football player
during futsal match in camp,he is one of the player in the camp,lol
he is sporting person too
wan,is always with ramjan
both of them are very close,best friend,or u can say like,siblings
anywhere they go,kebiasaannya both of them mesti ada
location:johor bahru

okay,i know her during KKJ stuff
she is from..sekolah sains?if im correct la,wahaha
and my friend,izzah aliya know her because same school
she ask me to find her friend same camp as me,which is very unexpected for me daliyana is izzah friend
so yeah there ya go
dan oh ya
dia ni x abes2 mintak burger daging rm1.80 sana
belanja ako burger daging double special satu dlu la
marah dia baca ni,siap ako naik cuti nt,kah3xD
hm,other than that
yeah,she is a good friend
and fun to talk with,merapu je dia ni
location:johor bahru

okey,now about hanis
pendek,rajin ckp,dan..lol gurau2XD
i know her at CB class
she same group with me in modul 1
our group name PADI,inspire by ijat?
what i can say is,she is very courage person and very tabah
and she is very talented person
at camp,she take part 100% in all activity
fuhh,kagum kagumXD
dont believe me?okey,see this
in girl group
she participate futsal competition(as a goal keaper,omg!),rakit(timing leader&team flag holder),bola jaring(centre player,team dorang akan wakil camp utk match camp 12feb+ nt)
other than sport,at class
she has very creative idea and thinking
and she always talk infornt of the crowd in class,dewan,etc
anyway,what i can say about hanis is
if i havent meet a person like her,maybe i will be stay the same person with no changing
i feel tercabar weh tgk dia active kat banyak benda
dlm hati ckp
"mak aih,ppuan boleh buat,ape lagi laki,x kan xbole,ishk,buat malu je=_="
so yeah,thats how i start go infornt,participate in lots of activity,and etc
dah2,i think thats enough i describe about this person
bangga lak kalau orang tu baca,chehXD
ape2 pn,i want to say thanks a lot wehh
walaupn membantu secara x langsung,tp banyak bantu diri ako,wahaha,trimas2!!
location:johor bahru
ex-school:...i dunnoXD

Jing XiAn a.k.a Wong
i know her at CB class in modul 2
and i call her Wong,cuz at CB class we wear a name tag
and at her name tag written "Wong"
act,until the last day of CB class last friday,i never know her real name Jing Xian
hahaha shame2=="
okk so anyway,we were same group in modul 2
our group named "Mixture",by Kiki idea
what i can say about Wong is
she is very tall person,i think my height just reach her shoulder?or something like that,lol
but she is very friendly person and cooperative person in group
easy to talk to and funneh person,hahaXD
at first she tought im chinese,until we are in same group in CB,then she know im not,lol
funny thing happend
in modul 2,wong and kiki did wear tudung to class once
lol,i ask them to go surau before rehat time
other than that,wong is very good friend
so anyway,i wish ya good luck to perm your hair like afro,one of her matlamat,roflxD
"its so cool"
wahaha,cant stand that word,roflXD(ada kat dlm gamba rambut afro dia letak tu,lolxD)
location:johor bahru
Syah(picture will be upload later)
ok ok ok
first time i talk with him at stesen larkin before going to plkn
he's the one tegur me,said that we were same skola agama during darjah 4 there
well.actually,honestly i cant remember
but yeah,i did notice his face kindda familiar
so its okay
hm,other than that,he is very knowledgeable person
i learn a lot from him
example like..
at night,when there are many star,it mean,until afternoon it wont rain,or maybe one day will not raining
well that make sense,i did not notice that
before this im too ignorant>_<"
but,he has..a very weird attitude too
which is,in the beginning,he is been hate by some ppl
well,i too admit that he has weird attitude,but i dont mind that
but after sometime,ppl begin to accept him
he is good guitarist too,which is i very unexpected that
he can play very cool song,walauweh,cool!
and ppl call him "sarjen" or "jen!"
cuz his face also look familiar in tv,sargent face,yeah no kidding!!
and he too love about this army stuff,haha
location:johor bahru
ex-school:i dont know..XD
Ramjan(picture will upload later)
okey,i know him at dorm,he is the first person i talk to in dorm
ramjan is friendly person
i think,he is mix with indian?indian muslim?(mamak?)
i call him "ram"
usually,me,fadhly and ramjan always go togather anywhere we go
u can say that,ram is supplier for snack food and etc
cuz there's one time,he bring lots of food,milo,snack,and etcXD
other than that,what i can say about ram is
he is very pantang to ppl who suddenly melenting or panas baran
and topic that he talk is interesting too
so yeah it is really fun talking to him
and besenye petang2,i usually jog with ram
he menage to do 10round, 2-3times already,while me already done 10rounds non-stop once only
tu pn time ari sabtu pas subuh,after that i try omg,cannot>.<"
ex-school:i..dont knowXD

hohoho,okey apis
ako mula kenal kat dorm,sebab sama dorm
he is short(but higher than me==),skinny,and always control macho infornt of girls
hm,what more is,he is kindda pendiam?
i mean,he's not the loud person type la
as i tell ya just now,he is control macho type,so ya,thats what he like
(cant describe well how,wahaha)
hm,what more is,he is always with alip
i call this 2 fella siblings,adik beradik,lol
cuz,both of them are skinny and small(yes i know they are taller than me,but still they are short,so who cares,wahaha)
both of them always go togather and very close
then,apis always sing a song(which is my theme,given by bob=_=)
something like,"do you cheng heng long,in then buble on the floor,cheng heng long"blablabla
hahaha,nah i dont mind laXD
ex-school:..i..dont know,wahaha,ignorantXD

hahaha,ok ting2=))
i know her from the KKJ stuff
i did mention her name in my previous post,lolXD
which is the beginning of my new nick name,ah chaw
okay2,about ting2
she is shorty person,bwahaha
and very white-ish,still the same after 1 month joining plkn,weird=="
and some ppl say,she got a bit chinese look
other than that,i know who have crush on her
er,correction,not only me,but most of the PK3 class(character building)
nvm la,i wont mention it here,ahohoho
and she is friendly person,talk to everyone
location:..selangor?think so
ex-school:..wahaha,again,i dunnoXD
uh,wargh,im tired,still got lots of ppl i wanna introduce,and to those i write picture will upload later,do please give me ur friendster or myspace lor==" no pict,huhaha,hm i guess,kalau ada masa lagi i will continue write again,going to sleep,see ya!
Fara Waheeda(yan twin)
Hazman(man sokmo)
Ben(nasyid vocalistXD)
Alip(siblings to apis)
Aunie(diamond twin)
Chong(my buddy/badi?)
Zirah(good drawer)
Raj(black belt)