You Are Mostly Virtuous |
You are a good person, or at least as good as you can be. You try to do the right thing, and you have ended up with many virtues. While you are virtuous, you aren't a saint. There's definitely a bit of devilishness deep in your heart! Where You Are Virtuous You have the virtue of Moderation. You don't do anything at excess, and you avoid extremes You have the virtue of Justice. You treat other people fairly, even when you don't feel like it. You have the virtue of Humility. You don't boast or brag. Where You Are Not Virtuous You lack the virtue of Industry. You have trouble doing what's important, and you tend to waste time. You lack the virtue of Frugality. You tend to spend and waste money freely. You lack the virtue of Resolution. You often don't follow through with things you know you must do. |
July 14, 2008
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