
Archive for July 2008

Quiz 2,what is your cinta life

Your Love is Based on Friendship
For you, chemistry doesn't really happen without compatibility.
Companionship and openness are the most important parts of your relationships.
Whoever you love should be your best friend.
And falling in love with a good friend is never out of the question.

Why your love can last: You only fall for people who you truly understand... and who truly understand you

Why your love can fail: Sometimes you don't admit how important physical chemistry is to you

ps:uhh one thing i did not agree is,about the how it fail or etc etc,that one t=im totally against it=.= swttt,seriously,physical is not my keutamaan=.="

am i boasting my self?=.="

there is something worried me start from yesterday(well not really,tp bole diketagori sebagai risau gak la)
since highstreet 5 update,i was kindda like to boast my self
well,actually,kat mode baru tu laa
mmg menarik+best+super laXD
sasaran ku dlm mode tu,untuk kala kan "gabe" or known as "daniel",wahaha
but yeah,tu la psl
bila compete dgn dia,ako cam,nampak show off or something
tp x laa show off,means like,cam termiss,ako cam "OMG",hahhaha,sebab gabe itu orng nya pro,and merupakan salah 1 best friend akoXD
so,yeah normal la compete dlm dance
dgn kawan2 ku yg lain juga sama gakXD
uhh,pja,fatin kikilala,yan,gripped family member
masalahnye,bila x dpt potong,ako cam "ciss",or ape2 la
den klau mng,ako cam "yeah,wohooo,menangXD"
or tgh leading nt ckp "x pe2,kejar2XD" or etc
uhm,bila dipk kan balik,ako nampak mcm boast diri=.="
wargh,klau bole x nak ar camni
sejak camni,ako rasa cam ada jauh sikit jarak dgn itu orng,kot>.>
tu apa ako rasa la,swt
dgn mmb2 kenal maybe x pe sgt la,tp klau da cam tiap2 dance mode tu camtu,mana x nye bole rasa mual or etc gitu
soo,,yeah,next dance kat mode tu ku balik asal,x yah boast2 ar ni,bahaya=.= bukan diri ako nt jdnya,hahaha
eh tp ako x ckp yg has or sape2 buat ako camni eh,dorang buat camtu bgs de bg akoXD
nt ako ada rasa nak potong dorang,wahaha,bgs ar,semangat2XD
so yeah,dlm dance akan datang,ako make sure ako x boast diri ler
haha,and yeah kepada sape2 baca yg pna terpk ako cam bangga diri tu maaf des,x de niat
sebab,ako cepat teruja dgn mode baru kat hs5 tuXD
sikit je da cam "wah",omg,lol>.<>_<"


You Are Mostly Virtuous

You are a good person, or at least as good as you can be.

You try to do the right thing, and you have ended up with many virtues.

While you are virtuous, you aren't a saint.

There's definitely a bit of devilishness deep in your heart!

Where You Are Virtuous

You have the virtue of Moderation. You don't do anything at excess, and you avoid extremes

You have the virtue of Justice. You treat other people fairly, even when you don't feel like it.

You have the virtue of Humility. You don't boast or brag.

Where You Are Not Virtuous

You lack the virtue of Industry. You have trouble doing what's important, and you tend to waste time.

You lack the virtue of Frugality. You tend to spend and waste money freely.

You lack the virtue of Resolution. You often don't follow through with things you know you must do.

Me,My self,and I

[my cousin and me]
mari kita makan sushi~!=D

hullo thereXD
huahaha,alright2,as promise before,i will now,talk in this post about me,my self and i,hahahaxD
alright,i will start from my name,well,of course my full name is muhammad hakim bin mohd zin,im an ordinary 16 years old kid,well actually 16 going 17,wahahaXD
well,my height are around 160cm,hohoho,hoping to get until around 165cm,for now,i dont think i can potong my best budd,that is fatin a.k.a kikilala,because she was around 170cm,wahaha,i dont think its possible for me to potong ketinggiannya,huahahaha(well,at least bukan masa terdekat ni,kah3)and my weight,around 53-55kg something,i forgot=.= but,yah,2years,i was kindda maintain,wahaha,x naik,x turun,swt,but still,it was kindda heavy for person who have a height like me=.=

hmm,anwayy my hobby are,listen to music,drawing(still not goodXD),online-ing,and,,read narnia novel,wahahaXD well actually,i started back to read novel because terpengaruh by seorang manusia yg bernama fatin a.k.a kikilala,kah3XD dari stiu,ako mula try2 membaca novel,wahahaha,tp novel narnia je laa,yg lain,wahaha,malas,hokhok
ako ni,interested kat something yg unik and different,hahahaxD i dont really go with the mejority voice,usually,i will go to the opposite direction(if it was good of course),why?well,i dont know,it was my nature,its not that i want,but donno,nature,dengan sendiri,wahahaXD
hmm,about my perangai,i dont really know,but many of my friend said,im childish,not mature,and abnormal,kah3,i dont mind whatever they said,as long as it's not something curse,or bad thing,hahahahaXD

hmm,what more,oh,alright,im a friendly person(i think,lol),and it was easy for me to trust others,and yeah,that was my vital point=.=" but these day,im trying to learn not too trust anyone that i just know(just for save for the future),hahahaha,but the most trustable person is my best bud,kikilala and all my best friend,huahahaXD without them la,i dont think i will be how i am right now,so,im really greatfull for having a great friend in my lifeXD
uhh well,i guess,tu je kot dlu,hohoho,later i will edit2 some about this post,wahahaha
alright,thats all for now yeahXD
keep checking for the update,brouhahahaXD

i fell for her>_<"

we meet againXD
ok la,before i start this post,i will be using malay language,muhahaha
alright2,seperti yg ditulis di tajuk di atas
kali ini ako nak citer psl seseorang,yang telah berjaya menawan hati ako ini,ekk>_>
i will tell this story from a to z,from how i know her,until i fell for her>_<"
okk,ku kenal insan ini,semenjak dari form3(berumur 15thn)kat msn
tetapi,time tu kenal2 camtu je la,chat2 camtu je
pastu,da beberapa lama,around awal form4 baru rapat mmb camtu laa
kemudian,tahun ini,dalam bulan mei,ako da mula jatuh hati dekat insan ini>_<"
ni baru ako pasan,pas ada orng serius minat kat dia kat dlm high street5
pas tau je,mmg jeles x tentu pasal arr
padehal ako bukan jenis cepat jeles camtu=.=
klau orng lain saje2 cam "awak cute",etc etc,bese je=.=
arr,so dipendekkan citer,time cuti bulan mei(cuti 2minggu),orang itu pasan yang ako ada minat kat seseorang
dia pn tny,ditny2,akhirnya buat deal=))
kena bg tau jujur,x leh tipu
lolXD buat deal,dia bg tau psl sesuatu,kemudian ako pn kena bg tau sape tu
mula2 dia citer bese je,pastu,turn ako lak,wahaha
nak ckp,mmg rasa cam X_X je,hahaha,sebab orang yg ku minat tu tu laa orng nye>.<
wahaha,so mmg x dpt bayangkan cemana rasa time tu,lol
so,dipendekkan cerita,keesokanya dia tau gak>.<
pas da bincang2 dengan kikilala,lol,mula2 dia x setuju dgn idea ako nak bg tau straight yg crush ako tu maybe orng tu,de pas da bincang2 fatin kikilala pn setuju dan wish ako good luck>_<"
den mlm,ako bg tau sendiri sebab x nak tipu kat dia,uhh,mmg x sanggup tipu kat dia>_< (tp time bg tau,mmg ako bg tau ikhlas>.> kiranya,x de terika janji or cam terpaksa or ape2,swt)
ako ckp,sebenanye,yg crush tu,orng tu maybe ko=.=
ahaha,so pas dia tau,mmg dia pn terperajat laXD
ako pn terkejut gak,cemana tah ako leh jatuh hati kat dia>_<"
tp,pn cam berdalih(kott),pastu ckp jom main high street5,pastu kitorang buat cam bese je,ckp cam bese(ade sedikit rase kekok)
ako pn buat x tau la>.<>
wahaha,tp x pe ler,see how la,kalau da jodoh x kan kemana>.<"

hmm,tp la,reason kenapa ako minat,ako pn x tau,secara tetibe je pn ni=.="" eh tp ni x bermaksud ako x serius kat dia,ako mmg serius de,hmm,maybe arr,ade orng tny,klau menjadi,bape lama nak cam,agak2 tempoh bersama camtu,jawapan ako ialah "selamanya"
hmm,yeah,some people will think this thing like,"ohh,mana mungkin"or crap etc etc,tp ape2 pn,yeah,tu jawapan pertama ako yang akan ako pgg sampai bila2,and ako mmg betul2 minat desXD eh,tp x bermakna ako camni,ako abaikan study ako,nonono,itu mustahil,aim ako skrg,ako nak kala kan result dia,mana boleh ako kalah=.= wahahaha,x pe2,insyaallah dgn usaha ako bolehXD amin amin,hmm tp la,one thing ako tau for sure,ako minat bukan sebab paras muka dia,ako minat dari segi perangai,sikap or sort of camtu,and prinsip ako la,klau minat2 ni,x semestinya pgl cam "dear","syg",etc etc,klau bebual cara bese pn bole,asal ada kasih sayang and tau jaga hati dia(sort of,cam,tau jaga dia,tolong menolong,etc etc,uh x tau dlm ayat apeXD) ,tp katakan laa,dia minat orng lain,ako undur diri des,ku hormat de decision dia,x nak arr nt bebankan lak nt(uhh,ni kemungkinan gak ma,walaupn x harap ni,tp yeah,one of the probability)so see how ler,ikut peredaraan masa,selagi ku x nampak tanda2 or sort of like bukti yg dia minat orng lain,ku x kan give up des>.< color="#003300">

hmm,tp aritu bila kuar dgn dia aritu,wahaha,aduh,mmg kekok akoXD tp try control,buat2 bese,kah3XD waduhh2>.<" hmm,yeah,pas solat zohor,ako berjaya buang rasa kekok tu,klau x diam je la ako,ahahaxD tp,rasa cam kejap je lalu,banyak x smpt ckp,tp x pe2,hahaXD ape2 pn,mmg best aritu>.<>

wahaha,eheh,alright2,itu aja,ako rasa pn,ni da kuar topic sket>.<
huahaha,oke2,i will continue in my next topicXD yeah yeah,anyway thanks for reading yeah(eventhough kindda wierd all these>.<)

oraito,sankyu againXD


actually,im kindda blurr what to write here>_<"
hm,alright,here goes nothingXD
im actually,kindda new to this blogger stuff(sort of)
so,sila beri tunjuk ajar>.<"
oh ya,forgot to tell that,i will be using 'rojak' language
so hope dun mind lerXDXD
hmm,alright,i will start from,how did i start this blogger thing
hm,actually,i was kindda boring this week
since tonight i dont really have things to do,so i guess i will do this blogger stuff(hoping that it will kill this boring feelings=.=)
so yeah,thats how i started,got it?wahahaXD
hmm,what more..
oh,about my profile,hmm
i will introduce my self in another post ler,very lazy to write now,muhahaha
hmm,uh blur=.=
wahaha,i will continue in next postXD
so,dont miss out to read my next post(or i will hunt you,wahahahaa)
alright,thats all
have fun allxD