cepat betul masa berlalu kan?
tgk2 skrg da abes da 1tahun beljar sebagai student PDT di matrikulasi melaka
dan skrg ni bole digelar sebgai Ex-Pdt kot,hehe
aku nak kongsi sket la,salah satu project english aku buat dulu
dalam banyak2 english project,kitorang ada kena buat "story adaptation"
x kesa la,citer fairytale ke,asalkan story adaptation
jd aku team up dengan topeq,buat psl prince romeo dan juliet
pada mulanya,ada gak terpk nak buat psl aladin,tp x jdk
jdk kitorang teruskan je la idea kitorang utk buat citer romeo x juliet neh
time buat ni aku main tulis je ape yang ade kat dalam kepala aku pasal citer romeo dan juliet ni
tp padehal aku x pna baca citer dia secara full,tp outcome pas aku abes tulis rasa puas hati gak kot,sbb keje last minit tp sort of ok gak hasil dia
bila sampai deadline,kena present kat depan,promote buku yang kitorang buat td
keseluruhan aku rasa project ni antara yang best gak pas drama
ape2 pun,ni trailer dan the whole story yang kitorang buat
harap korang enjoy tgk dan baca!
Back to the middle age,there’s been this two family that is Montague family and
Capulet family who is related to the kings blood,both of the family want to be
the first in line to the throne.After sometime,the king has choosen officially
Montague family
to become the first in line to the throne,when the Capulet family was been accused to
steal the king preacious treasure,the Capulet family has been expel from the
royal family and become a commoner(civilian).This make the Capulet family hold a grudge
to Montague family been accuse by the Montague family that they were trying to stole
the king treasure,they swear to have revenge on Montague family.
After seventeen years have pass,the Montague family has rule the kingdom for
10years after the king has died, Romeo father become the king,now Romeo has
become the prince of the Montague family,Romeo is now already 20years old,he is
now very handsome,he has very straight hair,with golden hair,his eye were crystal
blue,he has a tanned skin,slim and tall person,any girl who look to this prince will
melt and fell in love with him because he has grown into a fine man,he and his
soldiers was on the way to the town square to celebrate some fiesta with his
people.they went to the town square with riding their horse.On the way to the town
square,he saw lots of people gathering in the street and making lots of noise,like there
was some fight.The prince ask his soldier to stop and ask whats going on there,one of
the soldier go check to the crowd and report to the prince that there’s a big vegetable
seller arguing with a young girl,the prince felt curious what are they arguing about,so
he went off from his horse and go check to the crowd.He shout to the crowd
“Silence!!” and ask whats going on,Everyone in the crowd saw the prince and they
give a panick look,they give way to the prince as if they felt scared to the
prince.Romeo saw the girl that his soldier talking about,she has long hair with
brown in colour,her eye colour were same with her hair,dark brown colour,tann skin
and she is very skin too,she’s wearing a yellow dress ,Romeo think that the girl is a
beautifull fine girl but he did not attracted to her because he know that she also afraid
of him like other citizen in this kingdom.
The vegetable seller also look panicked,but the girl
remain calm and not panick,the vegetable seller tell the prince Romeo that the girl
stole his vegetables.The Prince Romeo look to the girl with full of question,the girl
“I did not!!i just looking to those vegetable and suddenly that
‘Big Fat Man’ accuse me stole his vegetables!”,
the vegetable seller replied
“Don’t Lie!!You can see some of my vegetable are in her basket!”
he grab and throw the girl basket and inside
the basket there were 7 vegetable in the girl basket.
”See!?!she is the thief!” ,
everyone in the crowd were shock but they did not speak anything because the prince
is there.
”your highness,please arrest this girl”.
The guards that follow the prince grab the
girl hands and she shouted
“get your dirty hands off me!!you think you are from royal
family you can do anything??”,
The prince was very shock,in his life,no one is brave
enough to faught him back,or talk to him with a loud voice.Prince Romeo ask the girl
“no one ever talk to me with that level of voice,did you not afraid of me?”
the girl replied
“why should I afraid of you?!even you are a prince of this kingdom,you
are still a normal human being like us!!”
the crowd look panick!even the guard were shock to
hear the word from the girl,their face looks horrible because they were afraid of the
prince family,anyone who disobey the law&order will be kill,but suddenly a laugh
voice heard from the Prince Romeo,he laugh very hard until everyone there look the
prince with full of question,
”hahaha!interesting!interesting!!i love this kind of
girl,before this i am very bored as everyone in this country are afraid of
me,now I am finally found an attractive girl infront of me!”
he ask his guard to let go of the girl and
pay the vegetable seller the vegetable that the girl took
“this is the amout of the
money that the girl take,the extra balance you can keep it as a gift from
your prince”,
the Big vegetable seller remain silence because he was too shock for what
happened but he thank the prince for the money.Then the prince went to one of the
flower shop nearby to buy a flower,he pick the best flowers in the shop and he took
the girl bouquet that has been thrown by the vegetable seller and give to the young
beautifull girl just now with the red rose flower,he open his hat and give a bow to the
“here,take this flower as an appology for our rudeness just now,what’s
your name my young lady?”
the girl astonish to see how gentleman the Prince is,but she replied
strictly “Juliet!” , The Prince smile and said
“Juliet,that’s a lovely name,well I must get
going now,tomorrow night there will be a festival at the town square,I
really hope we will meet again tomorrow night,farewell!” ,
Prince Romeo and his guards ride their
horses and continue their journey,everyone went back to their work as if there were
nothing happened there except Juliet,she is still standing there thinking how
handsome and gentleman the prince is,but she shake her head and said to her self
that she cant lose to someone like Prince Romeo eventhough she know how
charming the Prince Romeo is,deep inside she is hoping too meet the prince
again,she realize that she already waste lots of time so she went back home.
At home,Juliet live in a small house only with her father,Juliet father alredy old,his
age about 78years old,at night,Juliet decide to tell her father what happened at the
street this evening,her father listen with a shock in his face,at first his father is going
to scold Juliet,but he try to calm him self and take a deep breath,finally he said
“son,its time for you to know about our family fate”,
Juliet look weird to his father,his
father tell everything what happened from A to Z,he explain that Montague family
has accuse Capulet family(Juliet family) trying to stole the kings treasure in result
Juliet brother was sentence to death,and with his brother death,Juliet mother commit
suicide,because of that incident,the king expel Juliet father and Juliet from royal
family and become a commoner,at that time,Juliet was still very small,she was only
2years old.Juliet listen the story with tears coming out from her eyes,she is now
19years old and only now she know the truth of the story behind her mother and his
brother death.Juliet father told Juliet that he never had a chance to have revenge to
Montague family until now that he giveup and use fake family name,he tell Juliet that
never to meet the Prince again,but deep inside Juliet,she was filled with hatred,and
wanted to do revenge,she remember the prince word that he will be at the town
festival tomorrow night,she wanted to kill the prince as a revenge for the Montague
family as a revenge for making her mother and brother died.
Finally,it’s the festival night,Juliet in her room dress herself up for the festival .She
dressup so that no one will notice her true intention to kill the prince for revenge
because she dress up beautifully for the festival,she borrowed her mother blue dress
and it fit nicely!that night she looks gorgeous!she know that the prince will be more
attracted to her when she dressup like this,before went out,she took a small knife and
hide it under her socks,She went to the festival silently so that her father wont notice
her because her father always sleep early because of his age.
She arrive at the festival,and the festival is really colourfull with lamp hanging
around the street that night,and ofcourse lots of people wearing beautifull and
colurfull dress making the festival livelier!everyone take a sit at the town square and
the festival begin when the king and royal family arrive at the place,the festival begin
with a dancing ceremony,at first it is done by the professional dancer,the dance is
really spectacular and catch the audience attention,during the dance ceremony,the
Prince Romeo saw Juliet in the crowd because of her bright blue dress colour,he
smile when he saw Juliet in the crowd.Right after the dance finish,Prince Romeo
stand and walk slowly toward Juliet and invite her for a dance,everyone look with a
very shock look,Juliet did not expect this,anyone there can see that her face becoming
red,Prince Romeo low down his knee and hold Juliet arm and ask again
“will you dance with me?”,
suddenly Juliet said “yes”,everyone shout “horray!!”,Juliet was
surprise that she said yes,the Prince Romeo hold Juliet hands and bring her to the
town square centre to dance,both of them hold hands together and start dancing
slowly,Romeo father that is the king is also shock by his sons action watching him on
the stage but in a second he feel happy for his son has already found the girl he
love,but there’s something makes the king felt weird,the dress that the girl wearing
that’s been dancing with his son it seems very familiar and something making
him feel uneasy…Romeo and Juliet keep dancing slowly,surprisingly,Juliet is very
good at dancing,Prince Romeo is surprise
“I didn’t expect that you know to dance very well,maybe the best dancer
in this kingdom”,
Juliet laugh with a low voice,she replied
“well,what did you expect from the girl from this kingdom,of course the
girl infront of you have the talent to dance since she love to dance”,
Romeo laugh
“maybe you are the one for me”,
both of them looks happily dancing,both of them have a good time,but for a second
she remember the revenge she hold,she wanted to kill the Prince,she has this
opportunity to kill the Prince Romeo since she is very near with the Prince,she tried
to take the knife inside her socks,but her hands feel very heavy,she put down the
knife back because something inside her not allow her to do that.
The king keep watching his sons
dancing with the girl,he finally realize that the dress that the girl wearing is the same
with the late Lady Capulet that has commited suicide 17years ago,the king feel deep
rage within him self,how come his son fell in love with the girl from Capulet
family!?!?he never wanted to have any relation with the Capulet family
anymore,because it will remind him the inciden last 17years that he is the one who
start accusing Capulet brother trying to stealing the late king treasure resulting a
death penalty for the person and after the Capulet brother died,Late Lady Capulet
commit suicide because she cant accept the fact that her only boy son died.The king
feel very angry because he doesn’t want his people to know this tragedy,he afraid
when his sons become close with the Capulet girl there’s a probability that other
people will know about this tragedy.
special,again Juliet agree with Prince Romeo offer eventhough she know she had a
grudge against him,he ask Juliet to close her eye and after arrive at the place,he ask
Juliet to open her eye,Juliet open her eye slowly,and she felt very shock,a beautifull
pond is right infront of her,with the 2 swan swimming on the pond,the moon light
makes the environment more romantic,instantly Juliet said to Prince Romeo
“oh Romeo,how wonderfull!!”
she hug the prince romeo,romeo tell Juliet that this place is
his very favourite place,Both of them sit down and talk together,both of them looks
very happy,everything were very silent,again she remembered that her true
intention,she cant forgive the people that kill her mother and brother,so she try to
take the knife for the second time,but the same feelings appear,something is stopping
her from doing so she put down her knife back.
After few hours,Romeo invite Juliet to send her back to go back home by riding his
horse because its already midnight.Romeo ride his horse as fast as he can to send
Juliet home,finally they arrive at Juliet house,the road is very silent,no one is around
perhaps everyone has gone to sleep because its already midnight,Juliet think that this
could be her last chance to kill the Prince,she thought if she did not make it,there
would be no other chance to have her revenge,so she took her knife silently,her
hands were shaking,she put the knife behind her back,when the Prince Romeo is
about to kiss her,she try to stab the Prince Romeo,but suddenly her hand stop,she
drop the knife and she run back inside her house and lock it.Prince Romeo is very
shock for the incident,he feel very strage why did Juliet try to stab him with the
knife,he took the knife back to his castle because Juliet wont respond to him
everytime Prince Romeo call her.
The next morning,The King went to Prince Romeo room to tell his son to distance
from the girl she dance yesterday night,but before he could start the conversation,his
son already speak first,he told that he fell in love with the girl name Juliet,the girl that
she dance yesterday night,hearing that it makes the King felt very angry,he scold his
son to never meet the girl ever again and the king went out from his son room,just
about he want to open the door,the king saw a knife on his son table,he look
closely,and it was no mistake,the knife is the same knife from the Capulet family he
saw 17years ago because there’s a “C” symbol on the knife,again the king is in
anger,he ask his son how did he get this knife,his son tells everything what happened
last night to his father,after hearing his son explaination,the king felt threaten,he
think that the girl from Capulet family is trying to kill his son as a revenge,so he
immedietly gather his every men in the castle to search the girl to kill her.Prince
Romeo saw his father action and he feel very anxious because he know that Juliet in
trouble,he try to stop his father but he ignore him,and finally Prince Romeo follow his
father incase everything become worst he could stop his father before his father could
kill Juliet.
At the Juliet house,as normal,Juliet is preparing breakfast for his father,and after
the breakfast ready,they sit down together in the hall for breakfast,her father ask
Juliet why did she insist to meet the prince Romeo last night after hearing the
truth,Juliet tell her father that at first she wanted to do revenge for her family to
Montague family for what they did last 17years ago,she had the opportunity to kill the
prince,but she just cant make it,there’s something inside her self telling to not to kill
the prince,maybe she is already in love with the prince,Juliet father heard Juliet story
with a calm face,he think that maybe this is the fate of his family that he should
accept and forgot the old revenge,Juliet father say
“son,maybe this is the time,we should forget our rev..”
suddenly someone knocking the door rudely with a rude voice
“open the door!!”,
and in a second,the door is been smashed by the soldier knock the
door just now,without explaination,the soldier grab Juliet face and grab Juliet hand
and drag them to outside to the town square.Everyone gather to see what
happened,few minutes later the king,Prince Romeo and thousand of his soldier arrive
at the town square,everyone felt scared because everything is so sudden,Juliet father
and Juliet is been drag harshly to the stage,the king and his few soldier went to the
stage,he announce everyone that these two people are the traitor for the
kingdom,Juliet shout loudly
the king look
at Juliet face fiercely,then she take out the Capulet knife and throw infront of Juliet
PRINCE ROMEO HAND??”,and he continue said to the crowd “these 2 person
is trying to kill our prince by using this knife!!this knife can be use as a
proof of these 2 person action!” everyone shock to hear the words from their own very king,the king
order his soldier to draw his sword to kill Juliet father and Juliet,just about the soldier
want to stab Juliet father,suddenly Prince Romeo stop the soldier hand,
”Stop!!Dont kill these 2 people!!this is just misunderstanding!”,t
he king didn’t care for
his sons,he push his son,and take out his sword,and instantly he stab the Juliet
father.Juliet scream “NOOO!!” with tears coming out from her eye,before the
king stab Juliet,Juliet took the knife infront of her that been throw by the king,and
he run
towards the king to stab him but Prince Romeo came and push his father to save him
from being stab by Juliet,the knife stab accurately at Romeo heart,Juliet cry and ask
why did he do this,Romeo tell that his love is more to his father,but still he is still love
Juliet and before he died,Romeo last word is “I love you…Juliet..”and he died with a
smile in his face,Juliet Hug Romeo closely and said “I love you too
Romeo!!please,forgive my action!”everyone in the crowd screaming,everything went
chaos,the king cry for his sons death,he took his sword,and came near to
Juliet,without mercy,he slash Juliet without mercy,Juliet died without regret,before
she been slash by Romeo father,she smiled because with this,both of them could be
together in the other world,with the Prince Romeo death,the kingdom has no prince
to take over the throne after his father death.The kingdom went into chaos when
there’s no king,and finally the kingdom become a fallen kingdom.